Summer 2024 IACW Quarterly Meeting

Mark your calendar for the 2024 Summer Quarter IACW meeting scheduled for August 14, 12 – 2pm. We will be announcing 2024 Immunization Champion Winners during this meeting- stay tuned! Agenda coming soon.

Click here to register for the meeting.

The Immunization Action Coalition of Washington (IACW) hosts quarterly coalition meetings that are open to Coalition members and participants who agree to support our mission and who work to strengthen immunization efforts in Washington State that are based on evidence-based guidance from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

All coalition meetings are currently being held virtually.

IACW meetings are recorded and presentations are archived on our website. This page will be updated with slides and recording in the two weeks following the meeting conclusion.

Code of Conduct

Click here to read our Member and Participant Code of Conduct in full. Members and participants asked to stop any behavior will be expected to comply immediately. Those who violate these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event at the sole discretion of the IACW Executive Committee and WithinReach.


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